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Ahead of Eid al-Adha, the Police added troops to personnel at the Blocking Post

The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the Police has added personnel in the field to limit community mobility. The number of officers has been doubled at a number of blocking points, especially on toll roads.

This step was taken to anticipate the mobility of people who want to go home ahead of Eid al-Adha.

“We are adding blocking posts, especially on toll roads. Then we have added arterial routes, which previously only amounted to 600. We have almost doubled them, “explained the Head of the Operations Division of the National Police Korlantas, Kombes Rudi Antariksawan, to reporters on Monday (19/7).

With the addition of personnel and a number of isolation points, it is hoped that community mobility can be controlled. What is allowed to pass for them is in essential and critical sectors.

While outside the sector, they can be detained or postponed in advance.

“Indeed, we see that this mobility has decreased significantly, but what we also see is that it is still rather decent on the outskirts of the road,” said the Head of Korlantas Ops.

“Then it is the same for arterial routes. We hope that all mobility will decrease, so that Covid can really go down, “said the Head of Korlantas Ops.

The Korlantas Polri added blocking points in the areas of Lampung, Java, and Bali. This step is to anticipate a surge in community movements ahead of Eid al-Adha.

In total, there are 1,038 emergency PPKM blocking posts.

Thousands of these blocking posts are spread across toll, non-toll and port routes. The Lampung region has 21 locations for blocking posts, consisting of 2 locations on toll roads, and 17 on non-toll roads. Then two locations at the port of Lampung.

“So the ports are in Panjean and Bakauheni ports,” concluded the Head of Korlantas Ops.

Two locations on toll roads, 17 non-toll roads, and one at Merak Harbor. The Jakarta area has 100 locations. A total of 15 locations on toll roads, 85 on non-toll roads. There are 353 locations in West Java. A total of 21 on toll roads, 332 on non-toll roads. Then DIY. There are 23 locations on non-toll roads. In Central Java, there are 27 locations on toll roads and 244 on non-toll roads.

East Java has 209 locations, 19 on toll roads, 189 on non-toll roads, and one location at Ketapang Port. The Bali region has 41 blocking locations, 38 locations on non-toll roads and 3 locations in ports, namely Padangbei, Benua and Gilimanuk ports.

“There are a total of 1,038 blocking locations,” said the Head of Korlantas Ops.

Blocking on the toll road started on July 16 at 00.00. The police ensure that the traveler really has a special interest. Including working in critical and essential sectors.

Police continue to carry out checks and swabs. In accordance with the regulations regarding Emergency PPKM. “Among them, of course, must be accompanied by a letter of rapid antigen test, PCR, then a vaccine certificate, including STRP, we will do,” said the Head of the Korlantas Ops.