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6 Days of PPKM Implementation, North Sumatra Police: Community Mobility Drops Drastically

Kasatgasopsda Aman Nusa II Kombes Pol Yus Nurjaman conducted monitoring at the isolation post, Monday (19/7/2021).

MEDAN – The North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) continued to supervise during the Medan City Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) period.

Six days into the PPKM, the North Sumatra Police recorded a drastic decline in community mobility in the city of Medan.

Kasatgasopsda Aman Nusa II Kombes Pol Yus Nurjaman, who is also the Director of the North Sumatra Regional Police Sabhara, said that based on field monitoring, at the location of Traffic Flow Management and CCTV Monitoring, the mobility of Medan City residents within the city had dropped dramatically.

“We noted a decrease in the mobility of people and vehicles during the six days of implementing Emergency PPKM in Medan City,” he said, Monday (7/19/2021).

He continued, the decrease in the number of community mobilizations and vehicles was due to the implementation of road section management at 31 points from outside the city and within the city of Medan during the implementation of the Emergency PPKM.

“Such as monitoring from the Manhattan Post, Cambriged Post, Binjai Junction Post, Sei Kambing Pos and several other posts as well as CCTV monitoring of the Medan City ATCS, namely on Jalan Halat the condition is smooth, Jalan Sisingamangaraja the Amplas intersection looks smooth. Jalan MT Haryono, the Uniland intersection also looks smooth. and the number of passing vehicles has decreased significantly,” he said.

The Kasatgasopsda Aman Nusa II, Kombes Pol. Yus Nurjaman, said that the management of the road segment was carried out from 07.00 WIB to 00.00 WIB.

“The goal is for people who do not have urgent interests to stay at home in an effort to break the chain of Covid-19 spread,” said Dirsabhara.

Yus Nurjaman said that during the implementation of the Emergency PPKM in Medan City, it was carried out massively and humanely by the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, Dishub and the Gakkum Task Force.

“It is hoped that the implementation of the Emergency PPKM can suppress the spread of Covid-19, so that community activities can return to normal,” he concluded.

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