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Bogor Police Continues to Intensify Emergency PPKM Socialization and Education

INILAH, Bogor – Bogor City Police in collaboration with regional officials continue to socialize and educate on the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). Not only that, roadblocks and raids in a number of sectors are also being carried out to reduce community mobility.

The Head of Logistics for the Bogor City Police, Kompol Pahyuni, revealed that, in addition to socialization and education, supervision was also continuously improved up to the stage of imposing sanctions for violators. This is nothing but done to continue to suppress the mobility of residents during the Emergency PPKM.

“In addition to socializing about PPKM EMERGENCY which took effect from July 3 until later on July 20, we also distribute masks to the public in the locations visited,” said Pahyuni, while conducting socialization at the Traditional Market, Thursday (8/7/2021)

Pahyuni ​​continued, in general, market and banking visitors were observed to have complied with the Minister of Home Affairs number 15 of 2021, where buyers or customers are limited to 50 percent of capacity.

“There was no solid buildup when we went around, either at the market or at the bank. It is known that the police have activated and made PPKM Mikro with a focus on limiting the mobility of citizens, socializing and implementing the 5M health protocol and implementing 3T,” he explained.

Separately, Sempur Village Head, Dicky Pratama, said that his party was conducting socialization of Emergency PPKM and ensuring that Emergency PPKM was properly implemented by the community. “No one wants conditions like this, only ourselves and our discipline can stop this epidemic. Hopefully this epidemic will end soon,” he concluded.