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Not Just About Homecoming, Police Ketupat Operations Are Now Humanitarian Operations

GALAMEDIA – Every year, in order to provide the best service for the community 7 (seven) days before and after Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran Polri, always, ready to provide security, in the context of special operations humanity called Operation Ketupat.

With the main task of providing comfort when people celebrate Lebaran with activities to return to their hometowns or homecoming.

Along the way, the ranks of the police are tasked with regulating traffic flow and standing Pospam in places prone to congestion and including prone to crime. In West Java, the humanitarian operation is called Operation Ketupat Lodaya.

The domain, maintaining security and domestic order (Kamdagri) is fully under the authority of the Police.

However, the National Police continues to collaborate with other related elements, starting from the central government, regional government, the TNI, ASN, Linmas, Scouts, PMI and other stakeholders and policy makers. 2/3 Polri strength, was involved in the special pam ketupat operations.

There is something different in the current ketupat operation, it has been 2 years that our country has not been free from the Covid 19 outbreak. So that compared to previous years, the burden carried out by the Police is increasingly complex. Prior to the impact of Covid 19.

Humanitarian operations were only carried out in the context of safeguarding traffic flow (Kamtibcarlantas), during homecoming and returning, due to congestion that occurred in various places, especially certain routes such as in West Java, Nagreg, Pantura and other routes.

A period of two years after the spread of Covid-19. The duties and workload of the police, apart from regulating traffic flow, maintaining conducive security (safe from criminal disturbances), there are other burdens that must be carried out by the police, namely isolating community members who go home.