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The OTT of the Nganjuk Regent, the result of the collaboration between Bareskrim Polri and the Corruption

Eradication Commission (KPK), claims that the Hand-Catching Operation (OTT) carried out against the Nganjuk Regent of East Java Novi Rahman Hidayat was the result of a collaboration between the KPK and the National Police.

“This activity is a collaboration between Bareskrim Polri and KPK,” said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement, Monday (10/5/2021).

Ali has not yet revealed the contents of the active action by his party, considering that there are still a series of legal processes that need to be carried out by the KPK at the location.

“The investigation team will immediately determine their position within 1×24 hours regarding the alleged corruption crime,” said Ali.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron confirmed that there was an arrest operation (OTT) carried out by the KPK prosecution team in Nganjuk, East Java.

“It is true that the KPK arrested hands in Nganjuk,” said KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron when confirmed, Monday (10/5/2021).

Ghufron said that the arrest of Regent Nganjuk NRH was related to the bribery of buying and selling government positions. Nganjuk, East Java.

“It is suspected that the TPK (a criminal act of corruption) was in the position auction,” said Ghufron. []